Current Hand History - times are approximate
Table e1, Hand 323 02/10/25 20:24 ! Dealing a new hand 02/10/25 20:24 ! Everyone antes $1500 02/10/25 20:24 ! NancyR13 blinds $4000 02/10/25 20:24 ! fich blinds $8000 02/11/25 04:35 ! Keith Carangelo folds 02/11/25 04:35 ! Scott Zeigler folds
HAND IN PROGRESS ! Sketch22 is next to act, $8000 to call ! Next timeout set for Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:01 PST ! Pot size: $25,500 ! Board: ? ? ? ? ? +-+----------------------------+------------+------------+------+----+------------+ |#| Name | Bankroll | Action |Status|Pot#| Pot Size | +-+----------------------------+------------+------------+------+----+------------+ 1| Action Greggo | 243,300 | 1,500 | | | | 2|D SCSI | 346,250 | 1,500 | | | | 3| NancyR13 | 99,450 | 5,500 | | | | 4| fich | 447,025 | 9,500 | | | | 5| Keith Carangelo | 501,625 | 1,500 |folded| | | 6| Scott Zeigler | 116,750 | 1,500 |folded| | | 7|_ Sketch22 | 265,300 | 1,500 | | | | 8| Jeff Goff | 129,775 | 1,500 | | | | 9| Paul McMullin | 372,625 | 1,500 | | | | +-+----------------------------+------------+------------+------+----+------------+
Previous Hands
Hand Number | Summary |
322 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: Jc 8c Jd ? ? Sketch22 wins $59,500 (net $33,000) |
321 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: 8s Tc Jh ? ? SCSI wins $162,500 (net $63,500) |
320 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: ? ? ? ? ? Action Greggo wins $25,500 (net $16,000) |
319 | Hand over, current board is: 7d 8h 6h 2h 3d NancyR13 has: Td 9d Jeff Goff has: 9s Th Pot 1: uncalled $9325 returned to Jeff Goff Pot 2: NancyR13 wins $126,450 with Straight (T 9 8 7 6) Pot 2: Jeff Goff wins $126,450 with Straight (T 9 8 7 6) |
318 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: ? ? ? ? ? SCSI wins $49,500 (net $24,000) |
317 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: ? ? ? ? ? Paul McMullin wins $31,500 (net $15,500) Antes and blinds go up |
316 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: ? ? ? ? ? fich wins $37,500 (net $15,500) |
315 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: Ah Kd 4h 3d ? fich wins $76,000 (net $34,000) |
314 | Hand over, current board is: Tc 2h As 5c 2c fich has: 9s Ad Bigelmo has: Kh Qd fich wins $234,550 (net $122,025) with Two Pair (A A 2 2 T) Bigelmo is eliminated! |
313 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: ? ? ? ? ? Action Greggo wins $32,500 (net $15,500) |
312 | Hand over, current board is: 6s 4c Jc 8c Qc fich has: Js Ad Bigelmo has: Jd Td fich wins $155,500 (net $85,000) with One Pair (J J A Q 8) |
311 | Hand over, current board is: 2d 7d 4s 6c Th Action Greggo has: Qh Td Keith Carangelo has: Tc 8c Action Greggo wins $91,500 (net $56,500) with One Pair (T T Q 7 6) |
310 | Hand over, current board is: 6h 4d Js 3d Ac Jeff Goff has: Jh 7c Paul McMullin has: 9s Jc Paul McMullin wins $99,000 (net $53,000) with One Pair (J J A 9 6) |
309 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: Jd 7d 6s ? ? fich wins $58,500 (net $23,500) |
308 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: ? ? ? ? ? Sketch22 wins $74,500 (net $22,500) |
307 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: Jc Kc Ks ? ? Jeff Goff wins $31,500 (net $15,500) |
306 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: As 9h 9d ? ? NancyR13 wins $137,200 (net $54,000) |
305 | Hand over, no showdown Current board is: 8d Qc 7s ? ? fich wins $76,500 (net $30,500) |
304 | Hand over, current board is: As Ac 9d 5s 8h Action Greggo has: Qd 9c NancyR13 has: 6h Ad NancyR13 wins $86,700 (net $51,850) with Three of a Kind (A A A 9 8) |